Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer are back together for the KISS Alive 35 tour which rocked the Frank Erwin Center Friday night December 4, 2009 in Austin, Texas. After selling more than a 100 million albums worldwide, the makeup has come back on and they’re touring their new album Sonic Boom. The Frank Erin Center was almost sold out and there was a mixed crowd of young and middle aged fans. Oddly enough I did not see many KISS face-paintings on the audience members this time.
Come 9 p.m., the giant curtain with the KISS logo came down to a screaming audience, large clouds of white smoke rolled off the stage making way for Paul, Gene and Tommy! Eric Singer, the drummer was safely perched high on top of the 12 feet tall KISS logo, making him nearly invisible to my camera. It was great to hear some good old fashion rock-n-roll, no drum machines, backup singers or endless stage dancers to distract the crowd from the actual music. There were of course the 30 feet tall flames of fire shooting up from the stage, fire works explosions and Paul’s fire spewing guitar, layers of white make-up, black leather galore, and the iconic platform boots.
In addition to playing their mega hits such as Calling Dr. Love and Detroit Rock City they played songs such as Modern Day Delilah and Say Yeah form their new album Sonic Boom. Which, according to Paul Stanley, we should “run out and get from our nearest Walmart.” This was one of the strangest on stage endorsements I have heard lately. The new songs have the classic rock-n-roll sound that will be loved by both the KISS aficionados and new fans alike. Judging from the enthusiastic, alcohol filled, yelling and screaming audience, classic rock-n-roll is ALIVE AND WELL, at least in Austin.