Saturday April 3, the Alicia Keys “Freedom Tour” came to the Houston Toyota Center. The Grammy Award winning singer showed that she still is one of the divas of pop. The opening acts for the show were Melanie Fiona and Robin Thicke. Melanie is a Canadian R&B singer songwriter, she has a big voice and the crowed seemed to like her. Robin Thicke sounded, and looked like a cross between Michael Buble and George Michael. The giant curtain behind him with “Sex Therapy” stitched on it did not particularly do anything for me. However, while wearing his aviators glasses, he did give a energy filled performance.
Alica Keys’ dramatic entry was in a huge cage with large chains hanging off the sides surrounded by dancers. Although the scene was supposed to illustrate the song “Caged Bird,” she looked more like a Barnum and Bailey Circus ring master locked up in one of the animal cages with her black pants and red coat. Whoever came up with this theme sure missed the mark and it was a big distraction from the song and her powerful voice. Unfortunately, the tour’s security guard decided to arbitrarily remove myself and the other two photographers that were in the photo pit – so that’s all I can say about the show!
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