Sunday evening March 7, the Jonas Brothers with Demi Lovato rocked the nearly full 70,000 seat Rialiant Stadium in Houston, Texas. Demi Lovato, is more know for her acting roles on as Mitchie Torres in the Disney Channel Original Movie, Camp Rock and as Sonny Munroe in Sonny With a Chance. However, in 2009, she released her second album “Here We Go Again” which took number one on the Billboard 200 .
As fire works were shot off inside the giant Reliant stadium, Demi Lovato took the stage and sang a quick four songs: Remember December, Don’t Forget, Get Back and Here We Go Again.
Next up were the Jonas Brothers who were welcomed by a thunderous applause and screams from their fans. This was a real family show, not only were the seats filled with screaming teen-age girls, but parents also brought their younger children as well. The opening song was Love Bug from their third studio album “A Little Bit Longer”. Next up was “Year 3000”, during which Joe jumped off the stage, ran across the huge stadium floor and climbed up on the steel railing to serenade his fans. In addition the set list included:
Much Better
Fly With Me
Play My Music
Gotta Find You
Who Am I
Somebody Like You
When You Look Me In The Eyes
Burnin Up
In addition, the fans were treated to two duets with The Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato which were “This Is Me” and “Make A Wave”. These guys know how to entertain and give their fans a fantastic pop rock show!
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