Headlining the by invitation only SXSW SPIN Party Friday March 19 at Stubb’s was Hole, Courntney Love’s band. It’s been a while since they played and even though it is called a reunion, all the band members have been switched out except for Courtney Love.
The weather was perfect, and by the time Hole went on around 5:30 pm, the place was packed to capacity. With the 25 or more photographers in the photo pit, this was not an easy photo shoot. The buzz among the audience was whether Courtney would show up drunk, fall of the stage, talk nonsense or have some “wardrobe malfunction.” After a quick introduction Courtney came on stage with cigarette in hand and gave the audience a quick smile, picked up her guitar and started the show. Those people looking for a sensational gossip moment did not get it.
The set list included: Skinny Little Bitch, Miss World, Nobody’s Daughter, Violet, Letter To God, PCH, Reason To Be Beautiful, Honey, Dirty Girls, Malibu, Celebrity Skin, Samantha
Music wise, people got what they came for, which was a dose of “average” grunge, alternative-rock performed by a celebrity. I don’t think people came in particular to hear Hole, that band was dismembered a while back, they came to see Courtney Love and that’s what they got.
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